Make Videos Fast & Easy
You don't need hours of training.
You just need this 1 course!
Why editing is so time consuming for beginners
If you're struggling to make videos, then you've come to the right place. I've been making videos professionally for almost 20 years and have been teaching others how to make videos for over 5.
You're likely struggling because you haven't identified one or both of these things:
- ✔️ What this video should accomplish
- ✔️ Why your unhappy with your video or process
These might seem like obvious questions to ask, but I've watched intelligent, talented creators cave on projects because they didn't know the answers. Worse, they didn't even know they didn't know the answers!
And here's how making videos will get easier
Here at the Video Handbook series, I help you identify these questions and find the best answers. The Video Handbook series is perfect for people new to video or struggle with fluency. Your best place to start is with The Video Editing Handbook for Beginners. In it you'll find everything from editing concepts to software tools to promotion and style strategies. Once you get through that and find yourself on complex projects or getting hired, The Advanced Video Editing Handbook will be your best guide. You can also watch my expanding video course series, walking you through advanced tools and concepts.
And you can ask me questions along the way! Just find me on X @aarongooldx.

About the author

Aaron Goold has worked in digital and analog (and even some celluloid) technologies for over 15 years. He has produced feature films, national commercials, podcasts, and digital media of all sizes for some of the most recognizable brands. Highlights of his career include:
Director of Post-production for Warner Bros Studio Tour 3D, Director and Producer of "Immersion: A Metaphysical Wandering": A feature-length science-fiction film that premiered at the Julian Dubuque Film Festival.
He is also a computer programming enthusiast, co-founding Brain Fusion Labs and PromptSchool.